jeudi 3 avril 2008

Quelques films a voir à "Doc à Tunis"

Gharsallah, la semence de dieu
De Kamel Laaridhi

vendredi 4 Avril 2008
Maison de la culture Iben Rachiq à 21h.

A l'aube du XXIe siècle, un homme nommé Gharsallah meurt et se fait enterrer dans son mausolée dans un petit village, Dhibet, au centre de la Tunisie. Le film essaye de transmettre des fragments de vies marquées par Gharsallah : le saint, l'injuste, le fou, le possédé... C'est l'histoire d'un homme solitaire qui a imprégné tout son entourage, même dans le rêve.

In each community, a minority of men had been classified in a higher range and was told saints. In the accounts of their lives you can never tell the reality from the fantasy.
Hearing about Gharsallah (God's sowing), dead in 2001, the crew was fascinated by the existence of a modern-day saint. We decided to visit his mausoleum built on a hill, near of a village in the center of Tunisia.
Although the souvenirs were still fresh in the memories of people who mate him, the accounts were as contradictory as varied.
Who really was this man? "A lunatic", "an unjust saint", "a sorcerer", "a possessed man", "a charlatan"…? Maybe trying to answer such a question is like "trying to trap the wind in a net".

Image/realisation: kamel laaridhi
Montage image :nadia touijer
Montage son/mixage paul delvoie
Production: Atelier de production du GSARA
Couleur: couleur
Langue: arabe
Sous-titres :FR/GB
Format: 1:66

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